6.1 Updating Content
1 Click the [Update Content] button in the [Content List] screen.
The [Update Content] screen is displayed.
2 Enter the items to be changed and then click the [Confirm] button.
The [Update Content Confirmation] screen is displayed.
・When changing only the base PDF or the video of the content, select "Change" in "PDF Office or Video Modification" and specify the PDF or the video again. To keep information about the buttons and the images added using the authoring tool, check the box in "Hold Authoring Information". It is unable to change the base of the content from a PDF to a video (or from a video to a PDF).
・If you replace the base PDF file of the a content, the memos will be taken over but not bookmarks and markings.
In addition, if the number of pages differs from the previous version, the memos will slip off from the page on which they are registered. Moreover, Only for iPad, markings can be taken over to new contents by [copy all marking] after updating the content.
・You can check the data size of the entire content including its resources in "Size."
・Information of locked contents cannot be changed. Cancel the lock in the [Content List] screen and then change information.
・When the base PDF file for which voice files have been generated is changed, all audio files generated as resources are deleted.
3 Click the [Done] button.
The [Update Content Completed.] screen is displayed and the content is updated.
Click the [Back] button to go back to the [Update Content] screen.
4 Click the [Back to List] button.
6.2 Batch Updating Content
You can update information of content at one time by specifying commands on CSV files for updates of content information to release, close, delete, or unlock the content.
1 Click the [CSV for Batch Updates] button in the [Content List] screen.
2 Click the [Save] button.
The CSV file for batch update is downloaded.
3 Edit the downloaded CSV file and save it.
Among the following items, you can change information except for ContentID.
*Do not change the column name line.
*When the status is "Fin. Open", you can't update the information without unpublishing the content.
*To delete content, you need to specify "Release End" for the respective content temporarily.
*The number of columns which appears on the csv file may differ based on the contract. Therefore, there is no problem even though you may find some missing columns on your csv compared to the chart below. Please refrain from adding, deleting, and changing the order of columns on the csv.
Column | Description | Detail |
content_id | Content ID | Required item as a unique key when registering CSV file. |
content_name | Content Name | Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current content name. It can not be deleted. |
content_name_kana | Content Name (Kana) | Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current content name (katakana). It can be deleted by entering "*DELETE". |
description | Content Description | Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current content description. It can be deleted by entering "*DELETE". |
genre | Genre | Set the full path of a genre. E.g.,/Brochure/Sales manual/Distributable (All the full paths including the top layer to the target genre name) Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current genre. It cannot be deleted. |
tag | Tag | Able to set multiple tags by separating with comma. Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current tag. It can be deleted by entering "*DELETE". |
edit_group | Edit Group | Set the full path of a edit group. E.g., /All/Sales depatment/Sales division 1/ (All the full paths including the top layer to the target group name) Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current edit group. It can not be deleted. |
release_group | Release Group | Set the full path of a release group. When specifying multiple groups, separate with semi-colon. E.g., /All/System depatment;/All/Sales department/Sales division 1 Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current release group. It can not be deleted. |
release_start_date | Release Start Date | Release start date is described in the form of YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS. Unable to set earlier than the present time. e.g.)2018/01/01 23:59:59 *It may cause a format error if you edit a csv file with Excel. In order to refrain from causing the error, please edit the csv file with a text editor. [When the status is "Open"] -Release start date should be left blank as the release start date of the published content cannot be changed. [When the status is "Registered"] -The current release start date can be deleted by entering "*DELETE". -When no value is in the current release start date and the command is "o" (Released), a value (release time) will be automatically entered in the release start date by leaving the colomn blank. -When no value is in the current release start date and the command is "o" (Released), it will be opened at the reserved time by setting the release start date later than the present time. [When the status is "Open Soon"] -The time of "Open Soon" will be changed when entering the time later than the present time. -The time of "Open Soon" will be cancelled and the content will be published instantly by entering "*DELETE" -Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current release time. [When the status is "Fin. Open"] -Change the status "Registered" by the command "c" (Unpublish). Then you can change the information. |
release_end_date | Release End Date | Release end date is described in the form of YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS. Unable to set earlier than the present time. e.g.)2018/01/01 23:59:59 *It may cause a format error if you edit a csv file with Excel. In order to refrain from causing the error, please edit the csv file with a text editor. [When the status is "Open", "Registered" and "Open Soon"] -Release end date will be changed to the specified time when entering the time later than the present time. -The current release end date (perpetual release) will be deleted by entering "*DELETE" -Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current release end time. [When the status is "Fin. Open"] -"Fin. Open" will be cancelled and the content will be republished with no limit of ending by entering "*DELETE" -The content will be republished with extending the release end date when entering the time later than the present time. -Change the status "Registered" by the command "c" (Unpublish). Then you can change the information. |
display limit | Display Limit | Display limit is specified by the following numbers. 0: None, 1: Warning, 2: Password Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current value of the display limit. It can not be deleted. |
warning | Warning | When the display limit is "1: Warning", the warning sentence will be specified. When there is no warning sentence such as the change from the display limit of [None] or [Password], the default message of the "System settings" will be automatically registered by registering it with blank. Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current warning. It can not be deleted. |
permission_send_email | Permission to send e-mail | Permission to send an email is specified by the following alphabets. Y: Allow to send an email N: Not allow to send an email Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current permissin setting. It can not be deleted. |
primited_print | Permission to print out | Permision to print out is specified by the following alphabets. Y: Allow to print out N: Not allow to print out Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current permissin setting. It can not be deleted. |
permit_review | Permission to review | Permision to review is specified by the following alphabets. Y: Allow to review N: Not allow to review Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current permissin setting. It can not be deleted. |
review_start_date | Review Start Date | Review start date is described in the form of YYYY/MM/DD. Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current review start date. The current review start date will be deleted by entering "*DELETE". |
review_end_date | Review End Date | Review end date is described in the form of YYYY/MM/DD. Leave the column blank when there is no change from the current review end date. The current review end date will be deleted by entering "*DELETE". |
VitalContent | Important Content | Important Content is specified by the following alphabets. Y:Important Content N:Usual Content If this column contains data other than "Y" or "N", an error occurs, and fail to data update. "Line X Important content is invalid." If the command column is leaved as a blank, it means "Update". Enter "Y" for "Vital Content" column to specify the content as an "important Content". Enter "N" for "Vital Content" column to specify the content as a "Usual content". If this column is leaved as a blank, then no update is performed. If the command column is not a blank, then no update is performed. |
Lock | Lock Status | "Y" is displayed if the content is locked from editing. If the content is not locked from editing, then a blank is displayed for this column. ※No update is performed even if you change the command for this column. If you want to unlock the content, please fill the command to the "command" column. |
command | Command | An operation towards the content can be specified by entering the following alphabets in the command column. (Blank): Update o: Publish c: Unpublish d: Delete ul: unlock Only when the command is "(Blank): Update", information other than "Release start date" and "Release end date" can be updated. Updating information of "Release start date" and "Release end date" is available when the command is "o: Public". If it shows "Y" for "Lock" column, please enter "ul" at "command" to unlock the content. It is ignored when you enter "ul" at "command" for a not-locked content which does not show "Y" for "Lock" column. |
4 Click the [Batch Update] button in the [Content List] screen.
The [Content Batch Update] screen is displayed.
5 Click the [Browse] button and select the edited file.
6 Click the [Batch Update] button.
The [Confirm] Batch Update screen is displayed.
・If there is a problem in the description in the CSV, an error is displayed. In this case, correct the problem.
・An error occurs if the release start date (release start date) is earlier than the date of update.
・In this case, keep the release start date blank or change the date to a date later than the date of update.
7 Check information and click the [Batch Update] button.
The [Complete Batch Update] screen is displayed and the content is updated.
8 Click the [Back to List] button.
・The upper limit for batch registration (update) of contents is 500 at once. If more data need to be registered (updated), separate the data and do that multiple times.
6.3 Deleting Content
1 Click the (Extension) button for the content you want to delete in the [Content List] screen.
When the content is in the "Open" status, click the [Close] button.
2 Click the (Delete) button.
The confirmation dialog is displayed.
3 Click the [OK] button.
The subject content is deleted.
If you click the [Cancel] button, the alert screen for canceling is displayed. Click the [OK] button.
Resources used in a content will not be deleted even if you delete the content. If you want to delete the resources, delete them from resource manegement screen.