You can check the history of content delivery and access as well as enquete results on SMART CATALOG.
Statistical information in graphs can be checked only by the administrator. (Except forenquete)
If the number of logs exceeds 15,000, CSV output of the logs is not possible. Please narrow down the extraction conditions for each log and retrieve them.
9.1 Downloading Logs
1 Click the [History] button on the header menu.
The [History] screen is displayed.
2 Select the type of logs to be output from among "Delivery Log," "View Log," "Push Message," "Storage Usage," "Active User Count," "Content Download Total," "Operation Log," "Questionnaire," "Content Statistics(total)," "Content Statistics(daily)," and "Content Review"
3 Enter the period of the log to output.
The maximum period that information can be collected is three months. If you need to collect logs for a period over more than three months, perform the following procedures multiple times.
When selecting "Enquete," select the enquete name as well.
・When selecting "Delivery Log" or "View Log," you can search by selecting a content ID, device type, group name, and genre.
・When selecting "Push Message," "Content Statistics(total)," "Content Statistics(daily)," or"Content Review," you can search by selecting a content ID.
・When selecting "Content Download Total," you can search by selecting a device type and display item.
・When selecting "Questionnaire," you can search by selecting a content ID, login ID, and object name.
4 Click [Download CSV]
A dialog box for confirming download is displayed.
5 Click [Save].
The CSV file is downloaded.
● Explanation about the format of downloaded logs
■Delivery log file
Column | Name | Details |
Download start time | Date and time downloading started | |
ContentID | Content ID | |
ContentName | Content Name | |
GenreName | Genre Name | |
UserID | User ID | |
UserName | User Name | |
GroupName | Group Name | |
success/fail(1/0) | Success/fail of download | Result: 1: Success, 0: Fail, -1: Cancel |
Device | Device type | iPad=1、iPhone=2、Android=3、Windows=5、AndroidPhone=6 |
■View log file
Column | Name | Details |
OpenedTime | Time when the content was opened | Date and time that viewing of the content started |
ClosedTime | Time when the content was closed | Date and time that viewing of the content ended |
UsedTime(sec) | Period that the content was viewed | second |
ContentID | Content ID | |
ContentName | Content Name | |
GenreName | Genre Name | |
UserID | User ID | |
UserName | User Name | |
GroupName | Group Name | |
Device | Device type | iPad=1、iPhone=2、Android=3、WebViewer=4、Windows=5、AndroidPhone=6 |
■Push message log
Column | Name | Details |
ContractID | Contractor ID | |
PushID | Push ID | |
MessageID | Message ID | |
Message | Message | |
BadgeNum | Badge number | Unused (fixed to 0) |
ReceiverUserID | Receiver user ID | Destination user ID |
SenderUserID | Sender user ID | |
Status | Status | |
InsertDate | Registration date | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS |
UpdateDate | Update Date | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS |
■Use storage Log
Column | Name | Details |
DateTime | Date and time | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS |
StorageUsage | Storage amount used | Unit: Byte |
BackupUsage | Storage amount used (backup) | Unit: Byte |
■Active User Log
Column | Name | Details |
Date | Date | YYYY/MM/DD |
UserCount | No. of registered user IDs | All types of users from the administrator to visitors |
DeviceIdCount | No. of registered devices | Total number of the device ID registered in each user ID |
DeviceTokenCount | No. of registered device tokens | |
ActivatedUserCount | No. of active users | Total number of the user ID activated with the device among the registered user ID |
ActivatedDeviceCount | No. of users that visited the content | Total number of the device activated with the user ID among the registered device |
ContentOpenUserCount | No. of users that visited the content | Total no. of users who opened the content |
ActiveUserCount | No. of active users | No. of users who logged in, downloaded data, or visited the content on the specific day. |
■Total Content DL log
Column | Name | Details |
Date | Date | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS |
ContentDownloadByte | Amount of data of the contents downloaded | Unit: Byte |
ContentDownloadCount | Total Content DL | Total count of downloads per counting unit |
Device | Device type | 1: iPad, 2: iPhone, 3: Android, 4: WebViewer, 5:Windows, 6:AndroidPhone |
■Operation Log
Column | Name | Details |
Date | Date | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS |
Command Type | Command Type | Operation *1 Logging in, creating/updating/ deleting contents, creating/ updating/deleting resources, saving authored data, etc. |
UserID | User ID | Login ID |
UserName | User Name | User Name |
GroupName | Group Name | Group Name (only when using SFTP) |
ResourceID | Resource ID | |
ContentID | Content ID | |
Line Type | Line Type | 3G, Wifi |
IP Address | IP Address | |
UserAgent | UserAgent | |
SessionID | SessionID |
*1: In addition to command type information, command result information is added for some types of operations.
Questionnaire name, the number of respondents, and "date and time of answer," "login ID," and "answer for each questionnaire" for each answer
■Content Statistics
Column | Name | Details |
ContentID | Content ID | |
ContentName | Content Name | |
AveragePoint | Average Point | |
DLCount | DL Count | |
ViewCount | View Count | |
ReviewCount | Review Count | |
StartDateOfStatistics | StartDate Of Statistics | YYYY/MM/DD |
EndDateOfStatistics | EndDate Of Statistics | YYYY/MM/DD |
*Content without statistical results will not be displayed.
■Content Review
Column | Name | Details |
ContentID | Content ID | |
ContentName | Content Name | |
UserID | User ID | |
UserName | User Name | |
Point | Point | |
Comment | Comment | |
UpdateDate | Update Date | YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MM:SS |
*Content without statistical results will not be displayed.
9.2 Viewing Logs in a Graph
Storage Usage/Active User Count/Content Download Total
1 Select the type of log to display in a graph from "Select Log".
Select one from "Storage Usage," "Active User Count," and "Content Download Total."
2 Enter the period to display in the graph.
The maximum period that information can be collected is three months. If you need to collect logs for a period over more than three months, perform the following procedures multiple times.
3 Select the device type.
When you have selected "Content Download Total" for the log type, specify the device type that the content was delivered to.
4 Specify the item to display.
When you have selected "Content Download Total" for the log type, specify the item to display from "Download Bytes" and "Number of Download."
5 Click [Display Graph].
The graph is displayed.
Place the cursor to a graph bar. Detailed data will be displayed in a pop-up window.
● questionnaire
1 From "Select Log," select "Questionnaire."
2 Enter the period to display in the graph.
The maximum period that information can be collected is three months. If you need to collect logs for a period over more than three months, perform the following procedures multiple times.
3 Select an questionnaire name.
Only one questionnaire can be selected.
4 If necessary, select Content ID, Login ID, and Object Name.
5 Click the [Display Graph] button.
The questionnaire results will be displayed in graphs.
9.3 List "Registered" contents
You can list and confirm the details of the contents with "Registered" status by using "CSV file for Ref.".
Please refer it if you want to confrm the content information such as the size of the contents.
Column | Meaning | Detail |
ContentID | Content ID | Serial number for a content shown in the Content List |
ContentName | Content Name | |
ContentName(kana) | ContentName(kana) | Use for Japanese Only. |
Description | Description | |
FileName | File Name | File name of PDF, video files etc. those are used for the content |
Genre | Genre | Genre name the content belongs to |
DeliveryFrom | Publish Starts at | |
DeliveryTo | Publish Ends at | |
Status | Status | Content Status |
Size | Size | |
PreviousEditor | Previous Editor | |
PreviousEditDate | Previous Edit Date | |
PreviousReleaseDate | Previous Release Date | |
EditGroup | Edit Group | Group which can edit the content |
ReleaseGroup | Group to Release | Groups to release the content |
- | Content Size | Shown in byte |