4.1 Creating Content One By One
1 Click the [Create] button in the [Content List] screen. Or, hold the mouse cursor on the header menu and then click [Register Content] displayed.
The [Register Content] screen is displayed.
2 Enter the name of the content to create in "Content Name."
The content name will be the title of the content that will be displayed in the [Content List] window. You can enter up to 128 characters.
3 Enter the alias of the content to create in "Content Name (alias)." You can enter up to 128 characters. Enter alphanumeric characters in one-byte characters.
If you want to skip this item, go to step 4.
4 Enter the explanation about the content in "Description (Detail)." You can enter up to 2,000 characters.
If you want to skip this item, go to step 5.
5 Select the file to be used in the content in "PDF or Video" or "Select PDF (Office) or Video."
Select "File Upload", click the "Choose file" button, and then select a PDF or a video file on your PC.
If the PDF or the video file has been uploaded on the server, select "Posted" and click the "Select" button, and then select the PDF or the video file in the resource.
When uploading Office files, uploaded files are automatically converted to PDF and saved on the server.
・Only PDF(Office) or Video file can be set as a base file of a content. Audio or image file cannot be set. Please put audio or image files on a PDF file by using the authoring tool.
6 Select the genre of the content in "Genre." For options for genre, a list of genres registered by the administrator is displayed.
・When the genre is configured with multiple hierarchies, you can select each hierarchy.
・You can set only one genre per content.
7 Select an image in "Thumbnail."
The selected image is displayed on the application.
When no thumbnail image is selected, the first page of the content for the PDF (Office) file or the first scene of the video for video file is displayed.
・For the image to be used for thumbnail, specify a file on the user's PC.
・You can specify a JPEG or PNG format file.
・The maximum size of the thumbnail is 107 pix (width) x 151 pix (height) or 151 pix (width) x 107 pix (height). If the image size is larger than this, the image is displayed in a reduced size.
8 Enter tags to be used for searching the content in "Tag."
For tags, you can enter up to 256 characters including separators.
For each tag, you can enter up to 30 characters.
For separators, one byte "," can be used. paces between tags are automatically eliminated during registration. Redundant tags are registered as one tag.
9 Select the edit group of the content in "Edit Group."
For users with an administrator authority, all groups are displayed. For users with an editor authority, groups that they belong to are displayed.
10 Click the [Select] button in "Select Groups of Publish to."
The [Select Groups of Publish to] screen is displayed.
Specify the subjects to release the content and click the [Setting] button.
Specify the group names to release the content to by selecting checkboxes. (Multiple selections are enabled.)
・When a group in an upper hierarchy of groups arranged in a hierarchy is specified, groups in a lower hierarchy do not become the target. You need to specify all groups that are the target of the release.
・ Click the Green check mark button to specify all groups included in the hierarchy.
・Groups selected in "Edit Group" will be specified as groups to be specified in "Select Groups of Publish to."
11 Specify the available period of the content in "Publish Period."
The content will be available on the application only for the period specified as the available period.
Content will be deleted from the device on the day that its availability expires.
12 Specify the resource to be used forthe content in "Select Resource."
Select the resource already created in Resource Management. For details, see "5. Uploading Resources."
You can also specify the resource on the authoring tool.
13 In "Video Delivery Type", if the material is a video, specify "Download" or "Streaming".
If you select "Download", the video file will be included in the content file,
But if you select "streaming", it's not. An Internet connection is required to play the videos in Streaming Content.
14 Specify as an "Important Content".
A content which is specified as an "Important Content" is recognized as an "Important Content", and it can be used as a condition for searching, and sorting on the application.
15 Specify if the content (PDF format) can be sent by email in "Permit Mail Sending."
When the checkbox is selected, using the "Send by E-mail" function or the "Content Share" function is allowed on the application. The content will be attached to an email in PDF format.
*The content share function is not compatible with Windows application.
16 Specify "Viewing Restriction."
You can set a warning message or a request to enter the password to be displayed when the content is displayed on the application.
When required, users need to enter the login password assigned to them.
Users cannot set their own passwords other than the login passwords.
17 Enter a text for "Warning".
When "Warning" has been selected for "Viewing Restriction." specify the warning message in this item.
18 Specify if the content can be printed out in "Printing Permission."
When the checkbox is selected, the content can be printed out on the application.
For iOS, printing is enabled only on Apple AirPrint-enabled printers.
For Android, the printers compatible with Google Cloud is required.
19 Specify the availability of content review with [Permit Review].
Check the box to permit content review on the application. You can specify the period for the review.
20 Click the [Next] button.
The [Register Content Confirmation] screen is displayed, where you can check the settings to be registered.
Click the [Back to List] button to cancel the registration and go back to the [Content List] screen.
Click the [Cancel] button to cancel the settings being registered.
21 Click the [Done] button.
The Registering Content finished. screen is displayed and the registration of the content is completed.
Click the [Back] button to cancel the registration and go back to the [Register Content] screen.
4.2 Creating and Delivering Multiple Contents at One Time
You can upload multiple PDF (Office) documents or video files at once by using a drug and drop operation so that you can register and deliver the contents in a continuing process.
When using a browser that does not support the drag-and-drop operation, upload the documents by selecting file names as described in step 5 of "4.1 Creating Content One by One."
1 Click the target group to release the content to be created.
When "All Contents" is selected, uploading cannot be done. A group must be selected.
2 Click the [Batch Registration] button to display the drag-and-drop area.
3 Drag and drop the PDF (Office) documents or video files on the PC to the "Drop PDF files here" area.
The number of files which can be batch registered is up to 30. If more data need to be registered (updated), separate the data and do that multiple times.
- To only create the content -
4 Click the [Register] button to complete the creation of the contents. For the content name, the le name is automatically used. To edit the name, change the name in "Content name" and then click the [Register] button.

- To create and deliver the content -
4 Click the [Edit] button to display the screen for creating and editing contents. You can edit the genre, tag, edit group, release group, publish period, and permit review (Option).
5 Select the [Automatic Publish] checkbox. When this checkbox is not selected, the contents are created but will not be delivered.
6 Click the [Registration] button to complete the creation and delivery of the contents.