This article shows how to fix the following issues.
・Can't play the video on the app.
・The video's audio does not play.
・There are some devices can play the video and some cannot.
Smart Catalog uses the video library distributed by each OS provider,
So video files should be confirmed to the OS specifications.
Please consider not only file extension but also the video's Format Profile and Format Level.
If you don't follow all of them, video file may not play.
The supported Format Profile and Format Level depend on the OS version and device model.
If you want to create the supported files , please refer to the Guideline.
If you can't play the video file, please try to just rewrite (without physically converting ) the extension of the video file to ".wmv" or ".avi" before uploading.
The file with these extensions will be converted by Smart Catalog , and it may be playable.
*This method does not assure of fixing all the unplayable videos to be playable.